Journal of the Academy of Medical Specialities, Trivandrum
  1. Manuscript Submission:

– Authors are invited to submit original articles, reviews, case reports, clinical guidelines, and educational content relevant to general medical practice.

– Submissions should be made through the online submission system at or as an email attachment to

– Submissions shall be made in two formats

– Appropriately formatted full manuscript including text, images, tables, charts, data sheets etc. should be submitted in Portable Document Format (.pdf).

– Text Document should also be submitted in any one of the following formats

Microsoft Word (.doc or.docx) , LatexTeX (.tex), Rich Text Forma(.rtf) , Open Document (.odt)

– Supplementary documents should also be submitted in any of the suitable formats listed below

Image files – .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg             Spreadsheet files – .xls, .xlsx, .ods

– Authors must adhere to the author guidelines provided in this document and on the website.

– Manuscripts should not be under consideration elsewhere during the review process.

  1. Peer Review Process:

– All submitted manuscripts undergo rigorous peer review by experts in the field.

– We use a Single blind review process to maintain anonymity.

– Reviewers evaluate the quality, originality, significance, and ethical aspects of the manuscript.

– Authors can expect constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

– The review process aims for timely and fair decisions on manuscript acceptance.

  1. Ethical Considerations:

– Authors must adhere to ethical standards in research and writing.

– Plagiarism, duplicate submission, and other forms of academic misconduct are strictly prohibited.

– Authors should obtain necessary permissions for copyrighted material and provide proper citations.

– Research involving human subjects must follow ethical guidelines and have appropriate informed consent.

– Animal studies must adhere to animal welfare regulations and ethical standards.

  1. Publication and Open Access:

– JAMST is committed to open access publishing to facilitate knowledge dissemination.

– Authors can choose to publish their work under a Creative Commons license (e.g., CC BY) to promote sharing and reuse.

– Publication fees may apply for open access articles as decided from time to time. As an Inaugural offer, we are providing a Founding Author Discount of 100% in all publication fees for six months.

– The journal retains the right to publish, distribute, and promote accepted manuscripts.

  1. Copyright and Licensing:

– Authors retain copyright of their work, granting JAMST a non-exclusive license to publish the article.

– Readers can use, share, and adapt the content for non-commercial purposes under the chosen Creative Commons license.

  1. Corrections and Retractions:

– JAMST is committed to maintaining the integrity of published content.

– Corrections or retractions will be promptly addressed if errors or ethical issues arise post-publication.

  1. Editorial Independence and Conflict of Interest:

– The editorial decisions are independent of commercial interests or external influence.

– Editors and reviewers are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to submitted manuscripts.

  1. Data Sharing and Transparency:

– Authors are encouraged to share research data and materials to enhance transparency and reproducibility.

– Data availability statements should be included in manuscripts.

We value your contributions and commitment to advancing medical knowledge. By submitting your work to JAMST, you acknowledge your agreement to adhere to these journal policies. Our aim is to uphold the highest standards of scientific integrity, ethical conduct, and academic excellence.

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