Journal of the Academy of Medical Specialities, Trivandrum
  1. Submission Process:

Manuscripts should be submitted through the online submission system at or as an email attachment to Prepare your manuscript according to the guidelines provided below before submission. Include a cover letter outlining the significance of your work and any conflicts of interest. Clearly indicate the corresponding author and provide their contact details.

  1. Manuscript Formatting and Structure:

Manuscripts should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and a 12-point font. Organize your manuscript with the sections Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References and Tables, and Figures. Follow American Medical Association Citation Style for in-text citations and references. Submissions shall be made in two formats. Appropriately formatted full manuscript including text, images, tables, charts, data sheets etc. should be submitted in Portable Document Format (.pdf). Text Document should also be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), LaTeX (.tex), Rich Text Format (.rtf) or OpenDocument (.odt) format. Supplementary documents like tables and figures should also be submitted in any of the suitable formats. For Image files .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg formats and for Spreadsheet files  .xls, .xlsx, .ods formats can be used

  1. Ethical Considerations and Publication Policies:

Plagiarism: Manuscripts should be original and not under consideration elsewhere. 

Authorship: All authors must have made substantial contributions to the work. Provide details of each author’s contributions. 

Conflict of Interest: Disclose any financial or personal conflicts of interest that may influence the work.

Informed Consent: Studies involving human participants or patient data must have obtained appropriate informed consent.

  1. Peer Review Process:

Submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer review process. Reviewers will assess the originality, methodology, significance, and clarity of the work. Authors will receive feedback and are expected to address reviewer comments appropriately.

  1. Copyright and Licensing:

Authors retain copyright of their work, but grant JAMST the right to publish and distribute the article. Authors can choose a Creative Commons license (CC BY, CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-SA) for open access articles.

  1. Formatting Guidelines:

Use italics for species names and scientific terms. Abbreviations: Define abbreviations on first mention and use consistently thereafter. Figures and Tables: Ensure high-resolution images and provide captions and appropriate citations.

  1. Checklist and Resources:

Before submission, please ensure your manuscript includes all the required elements. A Manuscript Submission Checklist is given as Annexure below

  1. Contact Information:

For inquiries related to submissions and author guidelines, please contact

  1. Periodic Review and Updates:

We regularly review and update our author guidelines. Please check the guidelines before each submission.

Original Research Articles:

Manuscript Structure: Follow the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) structure.

Abstract: Include a structured abstract (Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion) with a word limit of 300 words.

Methods: Describe the study design, participants, interventions, data collection, and statistical analysis in detail.

Results: Present your findings clearly using tables, figures, and appropriate statistical measures.

Discussion: Interpret the results, discuss their implications, and compare with existing literature.

Word Limit: maximum 4000 words (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures).

References: Cite a minimum of 10 references, primarily from peer-reviewed journals and recent sources.

Systematic Review :

Manuscript Structure: Outline the structure of the review article and include sections such as Introduction, Scope, Methodology, Findings, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Abstract: Include a structured abstract with a word limit of 300 words.

Scope: Clearly define the scope and objectives of the review.

Methodology: Describe the systematic approach used to search, select, and evaluate the literature.

Organization: Present the review in a coherent and logical manner, categorizing and summarizing key findings.

Conclusion: Summarize the main conclusions and highlight areas for future research.

References: Cite a comprehensive selection of high-quality references to support the review’s content.

Word Limit: maximum 5000 words excluding abstract.

Review Articles:

Manuscript Structure: Outline the structure of the review article and include sections such as Introduction, Background, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Abstract: Include a structured abstract with a word limit of 300 words.

Introduction: Define the background, scope, and objectives of the review.

Discussion/ Body: Main section that discusses the topic in depth. Subheadings to demarcate subtopics may be included as needed.

Conclusion / Summary: Summarize the main conclusions and highlight areas for future research.

References: Cite a comprehensive selection of high-quality references to support the review’s content.

Word Limit: maximum 4000 words excluding abstract.

Case Reports:

Manuscript Structure: Present the case report in sections: Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Introduction: Briefly introduce the condition or problem addressed in the case report.

Case Presentation: Describe the patient’s medical history, clinical presentation, diagnostic workup, and treatment.

Discussion: Analyse the case in the context of relevant literature, emphasizing unique aspects or lessons learned.

Conclusion: Summarize the key takeaways from the case report.

Word Limit: 2500 words (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures).

References: Cite similar case reports and relevant literature.

Clinical Guidelines or Consensus Statements:

Manuscript Structure: Follow a clear structure that outlines the purpose, methods, recommendations, and conclusion.

Introduction: Explain the need for the guidelines or consensus statement and outline the topics covered.

Methods: Describe the process of developing the guidelines, including the expert panel and evidence review.

Recommendations: Present the guidelines or consensus statements with clear, actionable recommendations.

Conclusion: Summarize the key points and implications of the guidelines or consensus statements.

Word Limit: 3000 words (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures).

References: Cite the sources of evidence and studies used to inform the recommendations.

Educational Articles (Tutorials, Case-Based Discussions):

Manuscript Structure: Organize the article based on the educational content being provided.

Objective: Clearly state the educational objective of the article.

Content: Provide detailed explanations, examples, and visual aids to enhance understanding.

Application: Illustrate how the educational content can be applied in clinical practice.

Word Limit: 3500 words (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures).

References: Cite relevant sources to support the educational content.

We value your contributions and commitment to advancing medical knowledge. By submitting your work to JAMST, you acknowledge your agreement to adhere to these journal policies. Our aim is to uphold the highest standards of scientific integrity, ethical conduct, and academic excellence.


Authors submitting manuscripts to JAMST are expected to adhere to the following responsibilities to ensure the integrity, quality, and transparency of the publication process:

  1. Originality and Integrity:

Ensure that the submitted work is original and has not been published elsewhere. Avoid plagiarism, unauthorized use of copyrighted material, and self-plagiarism. Provide proper citations and references for all sources used in the manuscript.

  1. Authorship and Contributions:

Authorship should be limited to those who have made substantial contributions to the research and manuscript preparation. Clearly state the roles and contributions of each author in the manuscript. Obtain consent from all co-authors before submitting the manuscript for publication.

  1. Data and Reproducibility:

Present accurate and transparent data, methods, and findings. Retain research data and materials for a reasonable period after publication for potential review and verification. Provide necessary data availability statements and comply with data sharing requirements.

  1. Ethical Considerations:

Obtain informed consent from human subjects and adhere to ethical guidelines for research involving animals. Provide full disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, that could influence the research or its interpretation.

  1. Peer Review and Corrections:

Cooperate with the peer review process and address reviewer comments and suggestions. Promptly respond to editorial and reviewer inquiries and make necessary revisions as requested.

  1. Accuracy and Clarity:

Ensure that the manuscript is well-written, clear, and understandable. Verify the accuracy of all information, data, and citations presented in the manuscript.

  1. Permissions and Copyright:

Obtain necessary permissions for copyrighted material used in the manuscript. Authors retain copyright while granting JAMST a license to publish.

  1. Acknowledgments:

Acknowledge individuals, institutions, and funding sources that contributed to the research or manuscript.

  1. Disclosure and Transparency:

Disclose any potential conflicts of interest, funding sources, or affiliations that could influence the research or interpretation.

  1. Corrections and Retractions:

Cooperate with the journal in issuing corrections or retractions if errors or ethical concerns arise post-publication.

  1. Prompt Communication:

Maintain open and prompt communication with the editorial office for inquiries, revisions, and other matters related to the manuscript.

By adhering to these author responsibilities, authors contribute to the credibility, impact, and value of their work within the medical community. Failure to meet these responsibilities may lead to delays in publication or withdrawal of the manuscript from consideration.

Submit your Articles Here
Please keep the documents ready before filling the form


Manuscript Submission Checklist

Please ensure that your manuscript submission includes the following items:

 Title Page:

Title of the manuscript.

Full names and affiliations of all authors.

Corresponding author’s contact details (email, phone number).

Conflict of interest disclosure statement.

Funding information (if applicable).


Structured abstract (e.g., Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion).

Word count: prescribed for the article type.

Main Manuscript Document:

Properly formatted and structured manuscript according to the guidelines

Clear headings and subheadings.

Appropriate citations and references using AMA Citation Style.

Figures and Tables:

High-resolution figures and tables, if applicable.

Captions for figures and tables.

In-Text Citations:

All sources cited in the text match the references list.

Superscript numbers used for in-text citations.


Complete and accurate list of references.

Proper citation style followed consistently.

Author Contributions:

Detailed description of each author’s contributions to the manuscript. (if applicable)


Acknowledgment of individuals or organizations that supported the research.

Ethical Considerations:

Ethical statements regarding informed consent, human/animal subjects, and ethical approval.

Funding Information:

Clear information about funding sources for the research.

Cover Letter:

Concise cover letter addressing the significance of the work and any other relevant information.

Supplementary Materials:

Any additional files or supplementary materials that support the manuscript.

Compliance with Author Guidelines:

Ensure your submission adheres to the journal’s author guidelines and formatting requirements. Submit in two formats as described in the guidelines.

English Language Quality:

Manuscript has been reviewed for language quality and clarity.

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